
ditch closure Learn more about ditch closure

  • Prevention and control of "double rot disease" of cotton

    Prevention and control of

    Rotten bolls and rotten peaches are common diseases of cotton, which seriously affect the yield and quality of cotton. (1) cause 1. Excessive or late application of nitrogen fertilizer resulted in overgrowth of cotton and closure of field canopy, resulting in weakening of disease resistance of cotton plants. 2. Cotton suffered heavy rain or too much autumn rain in the flower and boll period, excessive humidity in the field and poor drainage, resulting in the breeding and invasion of pathogens. 3. Cotton suffers from red rot, anthracnose and boll blight. (2)

  • Five measures for fruit setting of newly planted peach trees in the same year

    Five measures for fruit setting of newly planted peach trees in the same year

    First, reasonable close planting. By using the planting density of 1 m, 1 m 1.25 m or 0.8 m 1 m, sufficient branches and flowers can be obtained in the same year, higher yield can be obtained in the next year, and reasonable thinning can be carried out after canopy closure. Second, fertile soil management. Dig 70-80 cm deep before planting

    2020-11-08 Planting peach tree new planting that year fruit setting five measures one
  • The method of planting Aster

    The method of planting Aster

    The method of planting Aster

  • Understanding the growth habits of Houttuynia cordata Thunb and cultivating Houttuynia cordata with high yield and high quality

    Understanding the growth habits of Houttuynia cordata Thunb and cultivating Houttuynia cordata with high yield and high quality

    Understanding the growth habits of Houttuynia cordata Thunb and cultivating Houttuynia cordata with high yield and high quality

  • Seed prices and planting methods

    Seed prices and planting methods

    Seed prices and planting methods

  • Planting technique of Platycladus orientalis

    Planting technique of Platycladus orientalis

    Planting technique of Platycladus orientalis

  • Planting techniques of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

    Planting techniques of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

    Farmers grow Houttuynia cordata Thunb, also known as Houttuynia cordata root, dog heart grass, etc., because the roots, stems, leaves have the smell of fish, so the name Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Houttuynia cordata is a perennial perennial root grass.

  • The latest seed prices and planting methods of Angelica sinensis

    The latest seed prices and planting methods of Angelica sinensis

    Angelica sinensis is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines, also known as Angelica sinensis, Angelica sinensis, Angelica sinensis and so on. It is a perennial herb belonging to the umbrella family. China mainly produces southeast Gansu, with high yield and good quality in Minxian County, followed by Yunnan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hubei and other provinces.

    2020-11-10 The latest Angelica sinensis seeds prices and planting methods is the most
  • How to prevent cotton boll rot with high temperature and humidity?

    How to prevent cotton boll rot with high temperature and humidity?

    How to prevent cotton boll rot with high temperature and humidity? Please introduce the methods of cotton boll rot prevention and control with reference to the following methods: 1. Rational fertilization: increase the application of organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and apply appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer to prevent cotton plant growth, reduce cotton field closure, and improve ventilation and light transmission. 2. Timely drainage: for low-lying terrain.

  • The latest course of Platycladus orientalis planting techniques and methods

    The latest course of Platycladus orientalis planting techniques and methods

    Cypress is a kind of cypress, a specialty of China, which is distributed all over the country except Qinghai and Xinjiang. it has a long life. It is often a sunny slope afforestation tree species, and it is also a common garden greening tree species. Wood can be used for construction and furniture, leaves and branches as medicine, which can converge to stop bleeding and diuresis.

    2020-11-10 The latest Platycladus orientalis planting techniques methods tutorials cypress yes
  • How to prevent and control rotten cotton and peach

    How to prevent and control rotten cotton and peach

    1. Dredge the ditch before and after the rain, timely clean the cotton field drainage ditch, require the ditch to be smooth, ensure that there is no stagnant water in the cotton field when it rains, the ditch can quickly discharge open water after rain, and effectively reduce the underground water level in the cotton field. two。 Pruning and leafing in the late growth stage of cotton can reduce nutrient consumption.

  • Scientific planting techniques of Angelica dahurica

    Scientific planting techniques of Angelica dahurica

    1. 25005000 kg per mu of rotten compost or barnyard manure, 100kg cake fertilizer and 50kg phosphate fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer, and fertile land can also be applied less. After application, ploughing should be carried out at a depth of more than 1 foot. After turning, the soil should be fully weathered, and then ploughed again. Deep ploughing

    2020-11-08 Angelica dahurica
  • Introduction to the requirements of planting conditions and growth environment of cotton

    Introduction to the requirements of planting conditions and growth environment of cotton

    Cotton is the seed fiber of cotton plants of Malvaceae, which is native to the subtropics. The flowers of plants are milky white or pink flowers. It is usually said that cotton is the fiber inside the fruit that grows after flowering and breaks out when it is ripe. Like heat, good light, drought tolerance, taboo stains, suitable for planting in loose and deep soil

  • Drought resistance technology of sugarcane

    Drought resistance technology of sugarcane

    1. Select improved varieties with disease resistance and reasonable crop rotation. two。 Fertilizing the soil, increasing the application of organic fertilizer and applying more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can reduce the occurrence of brown streak. 3. Remove the seriously diseased leaves in time, reduce the source of bacteria in the field, and control the spread. 4. Peel off the old foot leaves, occasionally remove ineffective, sick and weak plants, make the sugarcane field ventilated and reduce the sugarcane field.

  • Field management of open field radish in spring

    Field management of open field radish in spring

    Field management of open field radish in spring

  • Control techniques of diseases and insect pests in Hami melon

    Control techniques of diseases and insect pests in Hami melon

    Control techniques of diseases and insect pests in Hami melon

  • Field Management of Angelica sinensis

    Field Management of Angelica sinensis

    1. When the height of inter-seedling and fixed seedling is 3 cm, the first seedling is carried out, and then the second seedling is carried out half a month later. When the height of the seedling is 10 cm, fix the seedling. There were 2 or 3 strong seedlings in each hole. 2. Angelica sinensis grows slowly at the initial stage of seedling emergence, but weeds grow rapidly, so weeds should be weeded in time, from seedling emergence to ridge closure, weeding should be done for 3 or 4 times by stages. The first weeding was carried out when the seedling height was about 5 cm, the second time after the seedling was fixed, and the third time before the seedling height was 20-25 cm. Combine weeding to loosen the soil to prevent soil consolidation and modification.

  • When will jujube seedlings be planted?

    When will jujube seedlings be planted?

    Jujube seedlings can be planted in spring or autumn, as long as the average temperature in January is not lower than minus 8 ℃, and sandy soil with flat terrain, good drainage and irrigation and fertile soil should be selected as nursery. Jujube tree Miao Shi

    2020-11-08 Jujube sapling when planting summary jujube available in
  • Key points of broccoli cultivation and management in summer

    Key points of broccoli cultivation and management in summer

    Key points of broccoli cultivation and management in summer

  • How should Angelica dahurica be planted?

    How should Angelica dahurica be planted?

    How should Angelica dahurica be planted? What should be paid attention to, please give guidance to Baizhi sex like warm and humid, sunny, afraid of high temperature, can withstand cold, strong adaptability. Angelica dahurica
